At RO Electric Bikes, we’re not just another outdoor retailer—we’re a family of adventurers who share a common love for the great outdoors. Based in the heart of the Midwest, our passion for biking, boating, hunting, hiking, and off-roading goes beyond just using equipment; it’s about making sure that every outdoor experience is fueled by the highest-quality gear.
Founded by outdoor enthusiasts who know the importance of having reliable and durable equipment, we saw a need for a company that could combine a boutique approach to customer service with high-performing, long-lasting gear. Too often, outdoor gear was either overpriced and impersonal or cheaply made with little consideration for performance or service. We knew there had to be a better way.
That’s why we set out to create a place where customers could find not only a curated selection of our favorite outdoor gear, but also the kind of service you can only get from a family-owned business. We understand the importance of expert knowledge and personalized service, and we're committed to delivering both in every interaction. Whether you're gearing up for a weekend adventure or preparing for the season ahead, we’re here to make sure you get the right gear for the job.
Join us at RO Electric Bikes, where your outdoor journey begins with the right equipment and the right support. We’re excited to help you get outside, explore, and make the most of every adventure!